Real device testing options and best practices

Real device testing is a critical ongoing requirement for providing a quality experience in a mobile app. But it’s hard to do well, as there are thousands of devices your…

The Top Test Management Tools

There are many ways to perform issue tracking that keeps testers in the same platform as developers. GitHub and BitBucket centralize efforts across teams. But what happens when your testing…

What your test management platform is missing (plus how to fix it)

Your test management platform allows you to create test cases and assign them to testers. It makes it easy to analyze your results. But it doesn’t help you manage all…

The benefits of collective testing

Unless someone at your organization has built internal QA software, your in-house testers and your external testing resources are not testing under the same platform. We know, because no collective…

6 types of testing that e-commerce apps need

The Covid-19 pandemic and its resulting social distancing measures have altered consumer behavior everywhere, including shopping habits.  With millions of people forced to stay at home, consumers have turned to…

5 ways distributed testing helps you ship updates faster

With 70% of the world’s workforce working remotely at least one day per week and 98% of workers stating that the ability to work anywhere positively impacts their performance, the…

How to maintain complete device coverage when under pressure to release

So many devices, so little time. When you’re on a tight release schedule, it can be challenging to cover the devices that matter to your user base. But excellent device…

How mobile app QA testing gets in the way of continuous delivery… and how to fix it

Continuous delivery (CD), and the broader DevOps movement, have radically accelerated the pace of software development.  With a cultural shift in development practices and software life cycles, deployment architecture and…

How to uncover the product improvements customers need & want

Every product requires improvement. For social media apps, comments get moved and reactions become more realistic. For eCommerce fashion accessory sites, virtual reality try-ons boost sales. And for B2B software,…