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Testlio First to Unify Quality Signals Across Seven DevOps Data Sources

Industry-first enhancements to signal-driven testing and expanded portfolio of prebuilt integrations on display at Atlassian Team ‘23

Signal-driven testing empowers product teams to address the demand for increased software deployment frequency without compromising a high-quality end-user experience. By consolidating and correlating a broad set of quality signals, Testlio makes it possible to unlock more value from existing DevOps systems by harnessing internal and independent data sources to expedite the process of identifying, confirming, and ultimately resolving software quality issues. 

“The current climate is dictating that product teams find more capital efficient ways to deliver high-quality end-user experiences, yet there remains a big untapped opportunity to fully leverage existing sources of product quality information,” said Emeka Obianwu, Vice President, Alliances & Acquisitions of Testlio. “Signal-driven testing focuses on bringing this information together in a systematic and logical way so teams can both gain faster insights into product quality and leverage a more comprehensive data set to inform where to allocate precious testing resources.”

  • Test Management. Integrations to TestRail, Xray, and Microsoft Azure offer signal data to inform whether test coverage is comprehensive and up-to-date.
  • CI/CD. Integrations to CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Microsoft Azure Pipelines, and Jenkins offer signal data to trigger manual and automated testing as part of a continuous build-test-deploy process.
  • Issue & Project Tracking. Integrations to 12 different issue management systems including Atlassian Jira, Trello, Linear, and GitHub offer signal data to ensure continuous cross team alignment on issue status and testing priorities. 
  • Automated Testing. Integrations to BrowserStack, AWS Device Farm, and HeadSpin deliver data signals for improved signal-to-noise on automated testing and for end-to-end fused testing run management.
  • Application Performance. Integrations to observability products like Instabug and load simulation tools provide signal data to expedite the correlation between application metrics and user experience issues. 
  • Notifications. Integration with Slack ensures testing milestones are delivered as real-time data quality signals to speed up the product quality feedback loop and shorten time-to-resolution.
  • Application Marketplaces. Integrations to leading app stores and sentiment data aggregators like AppFigures deliver time-sensitive signal data to ensure testing is prioritized to address critical issues impacting end-user adoption and retention. 

“Testlio’s bi-directional integration to Atlassian Jira gives our teams seamless access to product quality insights while also maintaining a unified system of collaboration for efficiency, process governance, and traceability,” said Mark Armstrong, Quality Assurance Manager, PayPal. “The result is a faster and more actionable feedback loop on software quality because signals from our Jira workflows are continuously informing the managed testing conducted through the Testlio Platform.”

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