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How Performance Management Tools Increase QA ROI

As part of your integration stack, performance management tools are an excellent way to increase data reach and optimize staffing power in your testing runs. These tools provide critical telemetry data, enabling you to address issues faster, streamline your dev pipeline, and ensure continuous functionality. 

Let’s explore how performance management tools can be used as a built-in listening device to accelerate the process of identifying and resolving critical issues in your app.

Project Management Tools Increase Data to Provide Telemetry

At Testlio, product quality issues identified by performance monitoring and crash reporting are submitted to the Testlio Platform, along with session data for issue validation and end-user impact analysis.

More data means you have more actionable information when implementing bug fixes, guaranteeing accessibility, and refining features as needed. Integrated listening devices allow you to get to the root cause of bugs and software crashes much faster, as you’ll get an initial report indicating the software isn’t working. 

Increase the Speed of Bug Fixes 

Project management tools have the added benefit of increasing the speed at which your team will complete projects and implement bug fixes. Think about it: if you constantly report on the state and functionality of your software deliverables, you have a better view of how it performs in real-world use cases. 

PM tools are just another tool in the chain to implement, which can help your team more readily get deliverables out the door. Time is money, and pushing deadlines and milestones back isn’t a great habit to get into throughout the SDLC.

Top Performance Management Tools 

Here at Testlio, there are a few tools that our organization employs to provide the benefits above to your team. 

  • Instabug provides monitoring for mobile applications. Benefits include constant debugging, monitoring, and mobile software stability checks.
  • IBM Instana automatically maps services, infrastructure, and other inter-dependency relationships. Instana also provides constant usability metrics and real-time dependency maps.
  • LogRocket is another favorite that provides session replays, analytics, and other valuable data points for faster turnaround times when implementing fixes. 
  • Coralogix is a crucial utility that provides insights for logs, metrics, and security feedback to the development cycle. Coralogix is unique because it can apply to software aiming for compliance and has been certified in GDPR, SOC 2, HIPAA, and ISO 27001/27701.

Performance management tools will positively add to any team’s development cycle. Software development is complex, but PM tools can help remove some guesswork by providing constant monitoring and metrics.