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Outsourced Software Testing: Best Practices For Choosing a Testing Partner

The quest for flawless, efficient, scalable applications drives companies to outsource software testing. This move offers cost efficiency, specialized skills, and faster time to market. 

Outsourced software testing allows businesses to focus on core competencies. It provides access to global expertise, innovation, and flexibility, ensuring products meet the highest standards. 

What is Outsourced Software Testing?

Outsourced software testing involves hiring external specialists to evaluate software applications. This ensures the software meets requirements and is free of defects before release. 

By leveraging third-party expertise, companies save time, reduce costs, and focus on core activities. This approach gives businesses access to specialized skills and advanced testing tools. 

It covers various types of testing, including functional, performance, security, and usability testing.

The Benefits of Outsourced Software Testing

Here are the top benefits of outsourced software testing:

Cost Efficiency

Outsourcing software testing is often more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. Companies save on hiring, training, and overhead costs. Outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs can further reduce expenses.

Access to Specialized Skills

Outsourcing provides access to specialized skills and expertise not available internally. Testing companies employ experienced professionals skilled in various methodologies, tools, and technologies. 

This is especially beneficial for complex requirements like localization and payment testing.

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing non-core activities like software testing allows companies to concentrate on core business functions and strategic initiatives. 

This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity in primary areas of expertise.

Flexibility and Scalability

Outsourcing offers flexibility in scaling the testing team up or down based on project needs. This burstable capacity ensures resources are available at critical moments, maintaining project timelines. 

Achieving such scalability with an in-house team can be challenging during fluctuating workloads.

Globalization and 24/7 Operations

Outsourcing testing across different time zones allows for round-the-clock operations. Continuous testing ensures work proceeds even when the primary team is offline, accelerating development and reducing time-to-market.

Enhanced Quality and Objectivity

External testing teams provide a fresh perspective, often identifying issues internal teams might overlook. Their objectivity and thoroughness can lead to higher-quality software, reducing the risk of defects and enhancing user satisfaction.

Access to Advanced Tools and Technologies

Outsourced testing companies typically invest in the latest tools and technologies. By outsourcing, companies can leverage these advanced resources without significant capital investment.

Risk Mitigation

Outsourcing testing helps mitigate risks associated with software development. Experienced providers follow established processes and standards, ensuring comprehensive coverage and reducing the likelihood of critical defects.

Improved Time Management

Delegating testing tasks to an external team frees internal resources for other essential activities. This improved time management can lead to faster project completion and more efficient resource use.

The Challenges of Outsourced Software Testing

While outsourcing software testing offers various benefits, it’s essential to consider potential challenges. Let’s discuss some most common challenges:

Communication Barriers

Several factors can hinder effective communication. These include cultural differences, time zone misalignment, technical jargon, and a lack of face-to-face interaction. 

Establishing clear communication channels, comprehensive documentation, and bridging cultural differences early in the partnership are vital to overcoming these barriers.

Data Security

Sharing sensitive information, such as proprietary code, customer data, or intellectual property, with an outsourced testing team increases risk. 

Understanding a potential partner’s security protocols is crucial. Additional protections like non-disclosure agreements and regular security assessments can ensure data protection.

Quality Concerns

Trusting an outsourced partner to meet your quality standards can be daunting. The adage “If you want it done right, do it yourself” often comes to mind. 

To ensure the right partner, reach out to their existing customers, read reviews, and set mutual KPIs. Regularly measure these KPIs to ensure the partner’s work meets your expectations.

Effective Coordination

Team changes require navigating the stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Effective coordination strategies can ease this journey. 

Define clear points of contact and roles and responsibilities to facilitate smooth operations.

Hidden Costs

While outsourcing can be cost-effective, hidden costs can arise. These may include expenses for setting up the initial contract, ongoing management, and addressing misunderstandings or errors. 

Account for these potential costs when planning the outsourcing strategy.

Dependency on External Providers

Relying heavily on an external provider can create dependency. This may be risky if the provider faces resource constraints or financial instability. 

Having contingency plans and diversifying outsourcing partners can mitigate this risk.

Lack of Control

Outsourcing testing can lead to a perceived loss of control over the process. Establish clear oversight mechanisms, regular reporting, and a close relationship with the outsourced team to mitigate this.

Misaligned Objectives

Differences in business objectives between the in-house team and the outsourced provider can lead to conflicts. Aligning goals and maintaining open communication ensures both parties work towards the same objectives.

While outsourced software testing presents challenges, addressing them proactively ensures a successful partnership. 

When Should You Outsource Your Software Testing? 

Here are the top reasons to outsource your software testing:

1. Lack of Internal Skills and Resources

Outsourcing can provide access to expertise if your team lacks specific skills or resources. 

2. Tight Deadlines

When facing tight deadlines, outsourcing can expedite project completion. An external QA team can perform testing efficiently, helping you meet deadlines without compromising quality.

3. Need for an Outsider’s Perspective

An external team offers a fresh perspective on your project. They can identify flaws and usability issues that may be overlooked by those closely involved in development.

4. Cost-Effectiveness for Short-Term Projects

Outsourcing is cost-effective for short-term needs. It eliminates the need to invest in internal resources and infrastructure, providing expertise and equipment as needed.

Outsourced Software Testing Best Practices

Here are some of the best outsourced software testing practices:

1. Verify the Credibility of Your Outsourced Team

Select a reputable and credible company for software testing. Request references and review their track record on previous projects to assess service quality. 

Ensure they have the expertise for your specific project, including comprehensive test documentation and test artifact templates.

2. Understand Their Resources and Limitations

Assess the testing tools and resources the outsourcing company has. Determine what tools, including automation and manual testing tools, are needed for your project. 

Ensure the company can meet your specific testing requirements.

3. Seek Industry-Specific Expertise

Choose a software testing service with experience in your industry. This ensures they understand the specific risks, timelines, and compliance standards. 

For example, a healthcare app requires a team knowledgeable in HIPAA compliance and security protocols.

4. Prioritize Transparent Communication

Select a company that values transparency and clear communication. Ensure they carefully handle sensitive information and keep you informed about testing progress. 

This helps you feel confident in their processes and facilitates better collaboration.

5. Set Strong KPIs Before Outsourcing

Establish measurable and achievable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of the testing process. 

Common KPIs include active defects, automated tests, and tests executed. Setting these goals helps monitor the efficiency and quality of the testing service.

6. Monitor, Evaluate, and Provide Feedback

Continuously oversee and assess the testing process to ensure it meets your objectives and standards. Use metrics and reports to track progress and performance. 

Provide constructive and timely feedback to improve the outsourcing service provider’s testing solutions.

7. Choose the Best Company

Choosing the best company for outsourced software testing is essential to ensure the highest quality in your software. 

Testlio, the premier QA software testing provider, has led the industry since 2012. With a global network of more than 10,000 skilled freelancers in 150+ countries, 600,000+ devices, and an integrated platform, we can help you make your software testing effective and efficient.


Outsourced software testing offers many benefits. It ensures cost efficiency, access to specialized skills, and faster time to market. 

Companies can focus on core competencies while leveraging global expertise and innovation. External specialists evaluate software applications to ensure they meet requirements and are defect-free.