How to provide consumer-like user experiences in business software

Business software is changing 85% of CEOs say that the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation, according to a recent Deloitte survey. Digital transformation often means new software tools that increase…

Business Software Testing Empowers Consumer-like App Experiences, According to Testlio’s 2021 Industry Report

The State of App Testing 2021: Actionable testing insights from exclusive client data and case studies April 27th, 2021, Austin, TX and Tallinn, Estonia — Testlio today announced new market…

6 qualities to look for in a software testing partner

When developing customer-facing software, the end user’s overall experience is vital to business retention and next stages of development. Just as it’s essential for software developers to deliver crisp customer…

What large enterprises need in software testing solutions

There are things your in-house QA team can do extremely well. This might include collaborating with engineering leaders and product managers, strategizing test cases, and converting former test cycles into…

4 ways instrumented testing helps companies deploy faster

These days, speed is everything in software development. As companies try to keep up with the rush to create new software features and test code, they rely on technology advances…

Networked Testing: Economic considerations and financial impacts

Should you build an in-house QA team, or should you rely on software testing companies? The conversation around insourcing versus outsourcing looks very different for quality assurance than for other…

7 B2B web application testing challenges and solutions

Testing web applications comes with many challenges like covering the entire platform, testing with real devices, and protecting data security. B2B customers have high expectations for the web apps they…

5 B2B web app trends and what they mean for software developers

Not many areas feature as much innovation as the area of app development. Recently we explored various mobile app trends from social media to virtual experiences. App development has become…

G2 Recognizes Testlio as High Performer

Third Consecutive Quarter as Leader in Two Categories February 24, 2021, Austin, TX and Tallinn, Estonia – Testlio, the originator of networked testing, today announced that it has been twice…