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Four ways to optimize your QA budget in 2023

Releasing software without extensive quality assurance testing is asking for trouble. Poorly-designed software, bugs, or miserable UX dooms even the best projects – and with today’s hyper-intensive and rapid development cycles, things are sure to slip through the cracks. You can’t skimp on software testing, but planning your 2023 QA budget may feel tighter than normal amidst fears of a recession, inflation, and the global economy. You may have to work with fewer resources or face increasing pressure to reduce costs. 

Rather than focus on cost-cutting, optimize your resources to get the most value for your money. Optimizing your QA budget provides long-term benefits by increasing efficiency and maximizing business value for this essential service. Here are four places to start.

1. Embrace automated software testing 

For example, consider the cost of skilled quality engineers writing scripts and the time suck of managing automation. Can an automated software testing tool help? Is manual easier to execute? Not every test can be — or should be — automated.

While automated tests provide quicker script execution and testing results, they can miss apparent issues a human using real devices would easily detect. This includes the look and feel of an app, localization and language issues, and exploratory testing not covered by automation. You need to spend your time wisely by efficiently managing your automated and manual testing strategies to optimize your budget so you’re not paying for developers when you don’t have to.

2. Minimize expensive dev testing

Great software engineers are hard to find and retain. They can also be expensive per hour. Tying them up with QA tasks removes them from using their core skill set. Not only does this lead to growing frustration among your engineers, but your QA cost per run also skyrockets. 

3. Focus on burstable testing

By investing in additional tools and the right partnerships, you can handle your QA testing needs efficiently and at scale without adding additional costs over the long haul.

4. On-demand outsourced software testing

When you crowdsource or outsource your QA testing, you get faster results. These teams of experienced test specialists can be scaled quickly to meet your demands. In many cases, this allows you to accelerate development cycles by using teams in different time zones. That reduces your overall cost and helps improve your time to market.

Outsourcing lets your in-house team focus on the development process and other core business functions. Removing some of the testing burdens on your team gives them more time to develop products and features.

Outsourcing also provides a fresh, independent perspective. Often, developers can get so close to a product that they overlook flaws. When you outsource, you get an unbiased view of your software’s strengths and weaknesses.

You can also:

  • Save money by not having to recruit, hire, onboard, train, and retain full-time software testers
  • Gain access to the highest-quality testing tools and experienced testers instantly
  • Find problems quickly and remediate them without slowing down production