Device Management


Understand critical elements of real, in-the wild, hardware devices


Unmatched breadth

The Testlio Distributed Device Network provides access to more than 600K hardware devices across more than 1.5K unique make/models. No company in the software testing industry offers more device coverage opportunities than Testlio.

Multiple structures

Deep confidence

With Testlio hybrid human/machine approach to device management, you can be confident that your automated and/or manual testing needs are being performed exactly where you expect.

Controllable elements

With Testlio, the managed services team can quickly swap individual hardware units (with varied parameters and elements) in and out of runs, ensuring that as your experiments, situations, and needs change your device strategy remains 100% aligned. 



Testlio Attributes begins the potential device connection journey with a series of machine-driven and human-answered verification steps, ensuring initial device understanding and viability.


Each device bound to the Testlio taxonomy includes important basics like make (manufacturer),  model (version), and operating system (OS). These core elements help with basic coverage matching (when hardware matters for extended testing coverage). 


Additional information is intelligently extracted from devices, including CPU, memory, networks (connections), and battery (type, power, health). These extended attributes are often pivotal in testing situations that replicate real-world experiences of customers, helping companies ensure great product performance beyond simple “clean lab” environments. 


Testlio teams and systems regularly ping devices and device owners for important information as warranted. 

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It’s time to test smarter.