The #1 provider of crowdsourced testing solutions
You’ve come to the right place.
Based on ratings on G2, Testlio is #1 in the crowdtesting space. Interested in crowdsourced testing? Considering a change of your existing crowdtesting vendor?
Core elements of crowdsourced testing
Testlio was founded by Kristel Kruustük, an early freelance tester. Frustrated by her experiences, she launched Testlio, committed to embracing the best aspects of testing with crowds. With an expert freelance network, a robust software platform, and comprehensive client services, Testlio delivers world-class software testing.
Burstable testing
With Testlio, you can leverage quality assurance, localization, quality engineering, payments, and other forms of software testing, exactly when and how often you need it.
Broad coverage
Do you need testing on a specific device, in a certain location, or in precise languages? Testlio can help.
Exceptional economics
Crowdsourced testing, with intelligent capacity optimization and smart global labor models, often outperforms other quality assurance approaches.
How do our testers differ?
Our expert crowdsourced testers make a world of difference. They are highly vetted, consistent, and incentivized to test more thoughtfully.
Expert testers
Freelancers with Testlio are vetted, validated, and rated. Only 3% of applicants to the Testlio Network are accepted to client projects. And all freelance testers receive a 0-100 rating, along with multiple sub-ratings based on critical performance criteria (note: our approach to usability testing is different. Contact us to learn more).
Consistent testers
Testlio uses a high percentage of consistent testers run-to-run—while also rotating new testers for fresh insights and perspectives. Most other crowdsourced solutions leverage “whoever is available” models for testing delivery, creating inefficiencies in testing and escaped issues, often at the most critical release moment.
Thoughtful compensation
Crowdsourced testing often pays freelancers by the bug, leading to shallow coverage. Testlio pays by the hour,