How the right type of QA testing delivers on your need for speed

With over 2.7 billion smartphone users across the world, it’s no surprise that the mobile app industry is thriving. App usage and smartphone penetration are still growing at a steady…

How QA Testing impacts the Product Manager’s KPIs

Metrics drive the modern software development workplace. That’s as equally true for coders as it is for product managers. And while developers may be primarily judged on their ability to…

Why QA Testing Fails…and how to fix it: a Q&A with Kristi Kaljurand

In today’s software-driven world, organizations are moving faster than ever to deploy new features and software fixes – because getting product updates into the hands of users at speed reduces…

Networked Testing: a gentle unveiling

Today, we announced Testlio 3.0. Years in the making, Testlio 3.0 is a massive leap forward for our company. With new modules, a new UI/UX, updated workflows, new software engines,…

Testlio Clients: our pledge during COVID-19

Dear Testlio Clients, In this unprecedented time, we wanted to reach out to you. We imagine you are getting an abundance of coronavirus communications. While we pondered different approaches, we…

4 lessons QA teams can learn from the Iowa Caucus App failure

Scrutiny of the IowaReporter – the app that caused chaos during the Iowa Democratic caucuses on February 3rd – continues to swirl as officials and the media try to understand…

How Quality Assurance teams can best integrate manual software testing and automated software testing

Best use cases for automated and manual testing: A Q&A with John Ruberto

Continuous testing has revolutionized software quality over the past decade, and has been further enabled by automation. Automated software testing presents an opportunity for a much broader testing coverage while…

13 Reasons Why Manual Testing Can Never Be Replaced

Some development teams jump into automated testing like it’s the holy grail. And it is—kind of. Automated testing is a great safety net for regression testing and for checking in…

9 Ways to Lead as a QA Manager

In software development and testing, a lot of strain is put on improving technical skills. Getting the latest and greatest certifications, staying current with IoT testing and TDD (Test Driven…