Your Partner in Journey Testing

As the digital landscape becomes increasingly diverse in how humans interact with technology, Testlio helps keeps users on their journey.

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Why perform Journey Testing?

Journey testing simulates real-world usage scenarios to ensure that the application operates as expected across all of the touchpoints that a user may encounter in various device and O/S configurations.

Crush Poor UX

Ensure a consistent brand and user experience by ensuring functionality and mitigating bugs like broken links, inconsistent user interfaces, or unexpected errors.

Avoid Brand Damage

An app experience impacts a single user’s lifecycle and influences market adoption through extensive review portals and brand word of mouth.

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Journey Testing with Testlio

Testlio performs in-field testing to ensure your app operates as intended in all intended environments.

Embody your user

Demystify the customer journey and gain insights to improve user ratings and your brand reputation.

Release with confidence

Stay ahead of demand and optimize your products quickly to meet tight release schedules with modern software rigorously tested.

Extensive Device Coverage

Deploy tests to a combination of racked and in-the-wild devices by leveraging Testlio’s access to more than 1,200 real devices.

Strategic Specialists

With over 10k testers operating in 38 countries, Testlio mobilizes testers to ensure your digital properties exceed expectations.

Case Studies & Resources

How to write a use case with great UX in mind

This blog post details how testing teams can think about user journeys to create accurate user profiles and test cases. 

Empowering creatives along their journey

HitRecord scaled QA, delighted its users, and launched its first paid platform in six months with Testlio.

How Microsoft Masters Its QA

Watch how Microsoft optimizes its QA to deliver an amazing customer experience and maintain a lightning-fast release cycle.

More Coverage-related Information


See how QE, QA, and DX powerfully operate across Coverage areas.

Fused Software Testing

Experience how our unique approach is applied to Coverage.


Explore how our testing delivery management software powers Coverage work.


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