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How to Automate Localization Testing 

However, as with any testing process, localization testing can be time-consuming, repetitive, and error-prone, especially when dealing with multiple languages and locales. It’s ripe for automation.

Let’s dive deeper into the power of automation and provide some useful tips and techniques on how to automate localization testing.

What is localization testing?

Localization tests are excellent cases for automation; repeatable, stable, and consistent tests are prime for automation. The test cases you create will be active throughout the product lifecycle.

Preparing your tools for automating localization

Test case management

Test Rail


Issue tracking



Test automation

Headspin Browserstack Appium Selenium

Staff testing




Steps to automate your localization testing

1. Scope your project

The first step is to identify which aspects of your application require location testing and how your app will be deployed. For example, how many countries are you in, and what languages, operating systems, and devices will be used? What currencies do you cover?

2. Prepare your test cases

Examples of test cases will include:

  • Formats for dates and times
  • Local currencies
  • Keyboard integration
  • Texts and visuals that may be perceived as sensitive
  • Localized legal obligations
  • Vocabulary and translations

3. Run initial tests

With scripts ready to go, you can do initial testing to ensure that your scripts cover all the testing scenarios and provide the necessary information to make any adjustments. It’s essential to do several initial testing runs to determine a comprehensive and consistent approach before rolling out localization testing on a broader scale.

4. Integrate your tools

5. Create a regression testing strategy

6. Create a feedback loop

Create a feedback loop to review logs and improve quality. A feedback loop helps you increase efficiency, ensure accuracy, and enhance the user experience by creating consistent communication between localization software and testing teams.