What is Regression Testing? The Full Guide

If you’re stuck on basics like, “What is regression testing” or “How do I use it in my QA strategy,” start here. Whether you work in tech or another sector…

The ultimate guide to payments testing

Today’s online businesses are wrestling with 20+ forms of payment, from traditional e-transfer to cryptocurrency to afterpay programs. Globalization adds different currencies, languages, and privacy concerns not present in real-world…

When to Use Episodic vs. Continuous Software Testing Strategies

Robust software testing strategies are often an act of balance between extreme approaches, and approaching episodic vs. continuous testing is no different. While convention may be committed to a single…

7 Things to Know about SaaS Application Testing

As Software-as-a-Service model continues to adapt and evolve, so does SaaS Application Testing. Cloud computing allows providers to deliver software in an unfussy, unmessy way. As the saying goes, “nothing…

Comparing Alpha vs. Beta Testing (and how to use both)

Dev projects are complex, and making a rich and robust user experience relies heavily upon testing the results before final production. Testing can be divided into alpha vs. beta testing, but…

Three Models for Building A Software Testing Team

Depending on which article you read, we’re either headed for a deep recession or may avoid one altogether. With so many economic indicators and mixed signals, it’s anyone’s guess.  With…

What is Moderated Usability Testing?

Successful usability testing takes time and expertise to plan and execute. Moderated usability testing involves a process of user research, participant recruitment, testing user flows, and analyzing data. The end…

Image of a woman talking to a man in a work setting to showcase automation testing.

Are you ready to take on QA automation?

Modern engineering and product teams must meet an increasingly high bar for quality and speed. While QA automation is marketed as a quick way to increase cadence to meet consumer…

A Primer on Digital Therapeutics Software Testing

What are Digital Therapeutics Companies? Digital therapeutics (DTx) companies provide software-backed therapeutic interventions to help prevent, manage, or treat a medical disorder or disease. For example, health tech unicorn Hinge…