This Is The Only Time To Ask For App Reviews

Do you like me? Unless you know me or are a steady reader of this blog I can’t imagine you would be ready to answer that question. In fact, you’re…

How To Amaze Your Users On The First Date

Going on the first date with someone is a lot like downloading a new app. Someone is giving you their time to test whether you deserve to be a continued…

This is How Successful Companies Stand Out From Their Competition

There’s a small likelihood you’re the only company working on a product like yours. So how do you stand out? The most common way I hear is by creating a…

This Is Why Everyone Wins In the Sharing Economy

Workers are taking charge now. Molding your career is no longer the same as it was just five years ago. For consumers, it is becoming more convenient than ever to…

6 Questions You Absolutely Need to Ask About Your App

  “Make something people want.” Sounds simple enough. While any founder will agree with this motto, many will find it difficult to actually materialize it. However if you tackle your…

How Acompli Gained Two Extra Days In Their Week

Seven day sprints. A 7-day sprint cycle so intense even Microsoft commented on how unusual it is. Yet Acompli pulled it off. Acompli is a business email app for iOS…

The 10 Core Values All Expert Testers Have In Common

A world-class tester is a person who is able to rapidly discover highly relevant information about the product, who makes the most use of any resource that is available to…

What testing types to use and when?

I’ve seen lots of clients asking which type of testing they should use. It’s never a clear cut and usually the answer is a combination of different testing methodologies. In…

My 10 days in Techstars

The Testlio team was extremely busy the whole summer in the Techstars program. You can see Kristel pitching on the big stage of Austin music hall. Several news agencies and…