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6 ways to optimize dating app UX through testing

The novel coronavirus has impacted everything in our lives… including dating.

Connecting with others is an essential part of the human experience, which has only been exacerbated by the current pandemic. When a user relies on an application to create this connection, it becomes inherently more intimate than other types of mobile apps. 

With the proliferation of different styles of dating apps in recent years, there have been a number of user experience themes, swiping right being the most notorious. 

Dating from a social distance

In the past few weeks, mobile dating apps have seen a surge in activity.

According to a Bumble spokesperson, “We’re experiencing a major lifestyle change at the moment and we’re focused on helping our users shift the dating app experience to an in-app dating experience.” 

Learn how Testlio swarms the dating-app surface with on-demand testing support.

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Complex relationships, but simple apps

So ask yourself if you’re able to build it in such a way that you can cut down certain functions in order to optimize your most needed features. In dating apps, however, there are key features that cannot be left in the dust… Messaging and maps to name a few. So test these extensively. 

Algorithm testing for matches made in heaven

There’s nothing more frustrating than the empty-room feeling you get when an algorithm is off. 

From a technical aspect, dating apps use attributes like hobbies, genres of books, movies, music, etc. to match people. If someone likes long walks on the beach (and long-winded ways of describing this), they need to match with someone who likes “being outdoors” or “hanging by the water”. 

This can be achieved with the help of match algorithm tests: 

  • User criteria review test.
  • Perform a matching criteria test.
  • Understand how the system’s scripts should be executed if users change criteria.
  • Verify the kind of user data that will be provided to the opposite side after matching.

Localization testing

As you create these localized segments, test that they haven’t caused new errors. 

Functional and Usability testing

Private direct messages are a cornerstone of any dating app. However, it’s vital to test for both functional and usability issues.

“Our users are having a great experience on our app — and they’re spreading the word about Hornet. Ultimately, this helps us grow not only our network but also our bottom line.” Hornet CTO, Armand du Plessis.

Read how dating-app Hornet utilizes on-demand testers only when necessary and with very short notice.

Test safety and privacy features 

Privacy and safety features are enormously important in dating apps. Users are already nervous when interacting with strangers, and even more so when meeting them in person. It’s important that you build in specific safety features. 

The ability to block or report a user is imperative. Moderation of bad actors needs to be dealt with swiftly. These features need to be extensively tested, due to the severity of consequences if things do go wrong.

And while we don’t like to think about it, you need to allow a way to help users out of an unsafe situation should one arise. This should include emergency calls and reporting. You’ll also need to test for the localization of these features because they need to support different geographies and various emergency services.

Flexibility is key

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