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10 QA Statistics

Marketers and IT experts regularly produce fascinating research demonstrating their industry’s impact on the bottom line—but what about QA?

Agile development—widely adopted over the last decade—allows QA to move earlier up in the development process. By prioritizing QA and including QA as early on as possible, teams can move quickly and still maintain quality (as opposed to leaving testing until the end). Now, the best teams in the world use DevOps practices to share knowledge and break down barriers between core business functions.

Development, QA, and business aren’t silos anymore. Sales teams are often beta testers, and QA engineers are often given a seat at the table during the requirements phase. All in service of the customer.

Everyone at every level is in charge of keeping customers happy. Here are ten stats that prove that QA teams are doing their part.

Less than 25% of app users return after day one

So, how can product teams combat low retention?

Only 29% of mobile developers do exploratory testing

Shockingly, Forrester found that QA is not a priority in mobile development for the majority of teams.

The average app loses 95% of users after 90 days

The retention difference between top-performing apps and the rest of the pack is stark.


The key to success is to get the users hooked during that critical first 3-7 day period.

Ankit Jain, CEO of Quettra on the retention disparity

High-performing product teams have 200x more frequent code deployments

So what sets those top performing apps apart?

Frequent releases.

Continuous development is THE answer to meeting customer expectations. The more successful an app is, the more often it’s updated.

With deployments that fast and frequent, the old adage that testing makes it impossible to maintain both speed and quality is completely blown out of the water. Continuous QA keeps up with continuous development as more and more organizations “shift left.”

When you shift left, instead of testing quality only at the end, you have multiple feedback loops along the way to ensure that software gets delivered to users quickly, at a high level of quality.


High-performing product teams spend 22% less time fixing issues

Of course there will always be old issues to fix.

Top-reviewed iOS apps are just 28 days old on average

There’s one area where a commitment to QA is commonly known to always pay off: app store reviews.

Continuous deployment and continuous QA correlate directly with high app store reviews. The top 100 apps on Google Play and the App Store are updated more frequently, while the lowest rated apps are updated infrequently.

67% of consumers cite bad experiences as reason for churn

People ignore the apps that are on their phone every single day. How many of your apps do you actually use? Probably not very many.

People either get the app or they just completely forget.

Andrew Chen

Simply forgetting an unremarkable app is a fairly neutral reason for churn.

But it isn’t always safe to assume that churn is due to…

  • The user no longer needing the product
  • The user being too busy
  • The user forgetting the product

Only 4% of unhappy customers complain

It’s common to worry about what customers say.

But what about what they don’t say?

The QA budget should be as much as 25% of development

Actual QA budgets of large enterprises rose from 18% to 35% over a period of four years, and then dropped to 31% in 2016.

IT teams surveyed collectively predict that their QA budgets will soar to 40% of development costs by 2019.

While that does reveal that enterprises recognize the value of QA (and are ramping up QA efforts throughout development cycles), the truth is that most startups don’t come close to spending 25% of development on QA and need to gradually divert more resources to quality as growth allows.

52% of IT teams site higher amounts of releases as the reason for higher QA budgets

So what accounts for that higher predicted spend on QA?

Well, keeping customers happy requires continuous development. And increased digital innovation requires increased test cycles.

As more teams adopt a DevOps approach, there will be a higher frequency of releases, and a greater need for continuous, seamless QA.

While some industry leaders have suspected that DevOps adoption would disband QA, it’s actually creating more synergy and more dependence when it comes to meeting deadlines.

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