Device management

Optimize your software testing and gain unparalleled access to over 600K real, in-the-wild, devices globally. Manage device attributes, availability, and test execution with ease and precision. Mix and match devices to ensure the highest quality standards in 150+ countries.


Testlio’s flexible and scalable device management solution ensures you have the right hardware exactly when and where you need it, perfectly aligning your testing with customer usage patterns.

Unmatched breadth

Access 600K+ hardware devices across more than 1.5K device/OS combinations, ensuring the most comprehensive device coverage.

Flexible structures

Utilize a combination of AWS devices, third-party options, and in-the-wild devices tailored to your automated and manual testing needs.

Deep confidence

Leverage our hybrid human/machine approach to ensure that your testing is performed with precise control over device parameters.

Predictable availability

Schedule devices and lock in your device windows to ensure required hardware is ready, with unmatched parallel testing options.

Optimized execution

Maintain visibility over device status, and usage patterns, ensuring critical issues are discovered.



Understand the critical elements of real hardware devices, and access detailed device information, such as make, model, OS, CPU, memory, and network connections.


Schedule device usage and leverage unmatched parallel testing to assure that the right hardware is ready when you need it. Ensure device health, and manage device locations and ownership.


Manage hardware assurance during test runs, maintain visibility of device status, and receive important telemetry to understand and remediate issues.

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It’s time to test smarter.