A Primer on Digital Therapeutics Software Testing

What are Digital Therapeutics Companies? Digital therapeutics (DTx) companies provide software-backed therapeutic interventions to help prevent, manage, or treat a medical disorder or disease. For example, health tech unicorn Hinge…

Build vs. buy? A startup’s case for outsourcing QA

So your AWS bill is on fire and suddenly your all-hands takes up multiple screens on Zoom. Users are doubling. Your investors are thrilled to see your startup hitting its…

Breaking down the test automation pyramid

When it comes to introducing and scaling automated testing, QA teams can get quickly overwhelmed trying to figure out what processes to automate first, which tests stand to gain the…

5 live stream testing best practices

Live stream testing comes with unique challenges that sets it apart from mobile app or web application testing. When you offer a live stream of a national sporting event or…

How to create a good test plan

Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying a software program or application —with the intent of preventing software defects, reducing development costs, improving performance, and delivering a superior…

Testing for intuitive design

Apps are essentially technology products—products that aim to solve a problem for users. Design is a salient feature in all apps; it is how users understand, interact, and use a…

QA metrics: beyond discovering defects

There are numerous test metrics or criteria to measure the success of mobile applications. But in a world of agile software testing, it’s more than just discovered defects. What other…

Partnering for remote QA: fully-managed vs. co-managed testing approaches

With a consistent update schedule of one to two weeks for mobile apps, the inevitable surge in testing means companies are looking for ways to release the best version of…

How distributed QA and networked testing enhance agile software development

Distributed QA teams might work from the office or from home, but one thing is certain—they’re not all in the same place.  Relying upon remote, expert personnel, networked testing is…