How a Shift Left Testing Approach Can Improve Your QA Strategy

In the face of increased demand and competition, software development teams are expected to iterate faster each project sprint. Iterating faster creates a market advantage because it means you can…

Will AI Replace Software Quality Assurance Roles?

AI in Everyday Life: Veterinary Care, Hollywood, and Marketing My horse recently had an injury. Initially, we suspected an issue with his hind leg due to prior swelling, but our…

Functional Testing Guide

What is Functional Testing? Functional testing is a type of software testing that validates web or mobile applications against pre-determined specifications and requirements. The goal is to ensure that the…

Optimizing Parallel UI Testing with Humans and Machines

Releasing software is often a sequence of repetitive activities, including critical quality gates to assure the right version, configuration, and scope are deployable and releasable. In those critical moments, we…

How to Maintain App Quality at Scale

In February 2024, approximately 89,000 mobile apps were released via the Apple App and Google Play stores—37,000 and 52,000, respectively. That’s about 3,100 mobile apps per day, and that’s not even counting the…

How to Write a Bug Report That Your Engineers Will Love

Finding a bug is one thing, but documenting it is just as important, if not more so. That’s why we want to share how to write the ideal bug report,…

Unmatched Flexibility Fuels Market Adoption for Testlio’s Managed Test Automation Solution

25 industry leaders confidently scale their software testing with a comprehensive, AI-powered approach to quality engineering.

5 E-Commerce Payment Gateway Testing Use Cases

Without payment gateway testing, you risk cart abandonment, over or underpayments, penalties, and increased customer support costs. These risks occur when web or mobile app payment transactions run into issues….

Part I: Yes, Software Quality Strategy is a Requirement For Comprehensive QA 

We all understand that software quality is a critical aspect of modern software development. There are countless metrics that can be tracked, business value that can be attributed to the…